F Dorian

F Dorian scale for guitar.
The F Dorian is a seven-note scale. Colored circles in the diagram mark the notes, with darker color highlighting the root notes. In the two-octave pattern, the first root note is on the 6th string, 1st fret.

F Dorian 2 octaves

F Dorian scale diagram

F Dorian full fretboard

F Dorian scale whole guitar neck diagram

F Dorian note names

F Dorian scale with note letters diagram
Notes: F - G - Ab - Bb - C - D - Eb Intervals: 2 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 Type: Septonic 

The scale displayed with its numeric formula, notes, intervals and scale degrees.

Formula Notes Intervals Degrees
1 F Unison Tonic
2 G Major second Supertonic
b3 Ab Minor third Mediant
4 Bb Perfect fourth Subdominant
5 C Perfect fifth Dominant
6 D Sixth Submediant
b7 Eb Minor seventh Subtonic

The F Dorian scale consists of seven notes. These can be described as steps on the guitar fingerboard according to the following formula: whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half and whole from the first note to the same in the next octave.
The F Dorian is the second mode of the Eb Major Scale. It contains exactly the same notes, but starts on another note. Since Dorian has a Minor scale quality it can also be seen as a mode of the C Minor.
The scale is otherwise most related to the F Natural Minor and F Melodic Minor scales, which differ with just one note in both cases.

This scale is typically played over a minor seventh chord (primarily Fm7 in this case) and is used in styles such as jazz and blues. It is sometimes called F Jazz Minor (it shouldn't be confused with the Melodic Minor, which also is reckoned as a minor jazz scale).
One way to learn this scale is to observe the minor 7th chord shapes that it is built around. For example, the Fm7 barre chord with the root on the 6th string within the scale in 1st position. Another way is to think of it as the F Minor scale with a raised sixth.

Chords that are related to this scale are the following:

Fm7, Fm9, Fm11
Abmaj7, Abmaj9
Bb7, Bb9, Bb11, Bb13
Cm7, Cm9, Cm11
Ebmaj7, Ebmaj9, Ebmaj13

The tones in these chords correspond to the tones of the F Dorian scale (triads have been excluded).

Related to this scale are Dorian b2 and Dorian #4, being the 2nd mode of the Melodic Minor and the 4th mode of the Harmonic Minor.

The F Dorian b2 scale, also known as F Phrygian #6 scale, is identical with the F Dorian except for the minor second. It can be displayed as follows:

Formula Notes Intervals Degrees
1 F Unison Tonic
b2 Gb Minor second Supertonic
b3 Ab Minor third Mediant
4 Bb Perfect fourth Subdominant
5 C Perfect fifth Dominant
6 D Sixth Submediant
b7 Eb Minor seventh Subtonic

The F Dorian b2 contains the same notes as the Eb Melodic Minor Scale, but starts on another note.

The F Dorian #4 scale is identical with the F Dorian except for the augmented fourth. It can be displayed as follows:

Formula Notes Intervals Degrees
1 F Unison Tonic
2 G Major second Supertonic
b3 Ab Minor third Mediant
#4 B Augmented fourth Subdominant
5 C Perfect fifth Dominant
6 D Sixth Submediant
b7 Eb Minor seventh Subtonic

The F Dorian #4 contains the same notes as the C Harmonic Minor Scale, but starts on another note.

Start the audio and play along! Use notes from the scale in the diagram above.

Normal tempo:
Slow tempo:

All Dorian Scale jam tracks