G Blues
G Blues scale for guitar.
The G Blues scale is a six-note scale. In the fingerboard diagrams the notes in the scale are marked out with blue circles (root notes in darker color). The scale is displayed in a two-octave pattern and in the five main fingerboard positions.
2 octaves
Shape 1 (3rd position)
Shape 2 (5th position)
Shape 3 (8th position)
Shape 4 (10th position)
Shape 5 (open position)
Scale with extension
The scale and its scale degrees.
Formula | Notes |
1 | G |
b3 | Bb |
4 | C |
b5 | Db |
5 | D |
b7 | F |
Compared to the corresponding Major scale, three notes are flatted, including the additional chromatic b5 note.
The notes in the scale can be described as steps on the guitar fingerboard according to the following formula: whole and a half, whole, half, half, whole and a half, whole from the first note to the same in the next octave.
The G Blues scale contains all the notes in the G Pentatonic Minor plus a flatted fifth, the so-called blue note. Due to the close relationship to Gm Pentatonic, the scale is also referred to as Gm Pentatonic Blues or G Minor Blues.
Related to this scale is the G Major Blues scale or G Pentatonic Major Blues scale. It can be displayed as follows:
Formula | Notes | Intervals |
1 | G | Unison |
2 | A | Major second |
b3 | Bb | Minor third |
3 | Cb | Major third |
5 | D | Perfect fifth |
6 | E | Sixth |
The G Pentatonic Major Blues scale is identical with the G Pentatonic Major, but with an added b3.
Keep in mind that the G Pentatonic Minor Blues scale is identical with the G Pentatonic Minor scale except for the passing note (b5).
The "Extended" diagram shows a way to expand the scale pattern with shape four merged with parts of two adjacent shapes.
Start the audio and play along with your guitar! Use notes from the scale in the diagram above.
Normal tempo:Go to Jam Tracks section for more guitar jam tracks!
G Pentatonic Minor Blues scale first shape ascending.
The numbers above the tablature are suggested fingerings.
This scale is covered by the G Blues Scale guitar series.