D Blues Scale guitar - lesson 4

Blues in the key of D – jam track lesson.
This is the fourth lesson in the D Blues Scale guitar series. Including audio (jam track), scale diagram and instructions.


The D Blues scale can be used over the whole track. But as mentioned in previous lessons, over the IV chord (G7) the 6th degree (C) of the scale is advised to avoid.

"Slow Country Blues in D alt. 4"

D blues scale shape diagram 5th pos

Jam track info

Instruments: Bass, drums and rhythm guitar
Chords: D7, G7, A7
Tempo: 60 BPM

Lesson goals

Lesson 4 focus on the shape 4 of the D Blues Scale, played in 5th position.
The shape 4 cover five frets and include the root note (D) twice.
If you remember shape 3 in 3rd position from the previous lesson, feel free to merge that with shape 4.


Chords and structure - This blues jam track is structured as a 12-bar song with the following progression:

12-bar structure chords in each chorus.

D7 D7 D7 D7
G7 G7 D7 D7
A7 G7 D7 D7

Each bar last for four seconds. The complete structure is played three times (notice that in the last repeat, the A7 in the 12th bar is replaced with a D7) and the repeats starts over at 00:52 and 1:40.

Lessons overview

D Blues Scale guitar series include these lessons:

Lessons are based on the D Blues Scale.