Guitar scale lessons

Lessons with guitar scales as theme.
Lesson series that include scale diagrams, audio and instructions.

Blues Series

Blues in the key of A: jam track lessons 1–5.

The lessons focus on the five shapes of the Blues scale including jam tracks with only one chord:

Blues in the key of A: jam track lesson – lesson 1

Blues in the key of G: jam track lessons 1–5.

The lessons focus on the five shapes of the Blues scale including jam tracks and soloing instructions based on the 12-bar blues for each:

Blues in the key of G: jam track lesson – lesson 1

Blues in the key of D: jam track lessons 1–5.

The lessons focus on the five shapes of the Blues scale including jam tracks and soloing instructions based on the 12-bar blues for each:

Blues in the key of D: jam track lesson – lesson 1

Blues soloing with chords changes displayed in real-time.

The lesson include audio and show the chord changes:

12 bar blues in A jam track (using extended scale)

Blues soloing with Major and Minor Pentatonic.

The lesson include audio and show the chord changes:

12 bar blues in D jam track (using Dorian mode)

Blues soloing with Mixolydian.

The lesson include audio and show the chord changes:

12 bar blues in G jam track (using Mixolydian mode)

Blues soloing with Dorian.

The lesson include audio and show the chord changes:

12 bar blues in F jam track (using both major and minor pentatonic)

Major scale lessons

Solo in the key of C - backing track lesson 1–5.

The lessons focus on the five shapes of the Major scale including jam tracks and soloing instructions for each:

Sweet Pop in C – lesson 1