Open E Tuning scales
Fretboard and scales for Open E tuning (E-B-E-G#-B-E) with diagrams and explanation.
Open E guitar tuning with fretboard and scales graphics including major and pentatonic blues scales. Keep in mind that these instructions are invalid for guitars in standard tuning.
Open E Tuning fingerboard notes
The notes on the fingerboard with the guitar tuned to Open E.
The fingerboard diagram shows all notes with letters in Open E Tuning on the guitar covering twelve frets.

Major scale
E Major Scale presented.
E Major is obviously the key scale for this particular tuning and the E Major Scale is convenient in open position. The fingerboard diagram below shows a E Major scale over two octaves with the root notes on open strings. It may be not optimal to play four notes on a string when playing trough scales, but if the A note should be included in the first octave it has to be four notes on the 6th string with this particular pattern in open position.

Whole fretboard

Blues scale
The Blues scale in E in open position.
The fingerboard diagram below shows a E Pentatonic Blues scale in Open E tuning.

Whole fretboard

Start the audio and play along with your guitar! Use notes from the scale in the diagram above.
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