Harmonized guitar scales

Harmonized guitar scales presented with tabs and pdf.
A note in a scale can be harmonized with one or more notes from the same scales. This can be done in different intervals, for various scales and keys.

Harmonized Major scales

Notation and tabs for the Major scale harmonized for guitar.

The example below shows the C Major scales harmonized in thirds including one octave with notes on adjacent strings (many patterns is of course possible):

C Major scale harmonized in thirds with musical notes and tabs
Major scales harmonized in 3rds all keys

The example below shows the C Major scales harmonized in fifth intervals including one octave (these are also referred to as two-finger power chords):
C Major scale harmonized in fifths with musical notes and tabs
Major scales harmonized in 5ths all keys

Scales can also be harmonized into chords. The example below shows the C Major scales harmonized in three-strings chords including one octave:
C Major scale harmonized in chords with musical notes and tabs

Harmonized scales into chords

The Major scale harmonized into chords for guitar.

Examples of harmonized scales in various keys, presented with tabs, notation and chord charts in pdf. The given examples are one of many possibilities concerning fingerings.

C Major Harmonization including chords with the root on 6th, 5th and 4th strings based on the C Major scale:

C Major Harmonization (tab, standard notation & charts)

D Major Harmonization including chords with the root on 6th, 5th and 4th strings based on the D Major scale:

D Major Harmonization (tab, standard notation & charts)

E Major Harmonization including chords with the root on 6th, 5th and 4th strings based on the E Major scale:

E Major Harmonization (tab, standard notation & charts)

F Major Harmonization including chords with the root on 6th, 5th and 4th strings based on the F Major scale:

F Major Harmonization (tab, standard notation & charts)

G Major Harmonization including chords with the root on 6th, 5th and 4th strings based on the G Major scale:

G Major Harmonization (tab, standard notation & charts)

A Major Harmonization including chords with the root on 6th, 5th and 4th strings based on the A Major scale:

A Major Harmonization (tab, standard notation & charts)

B Major Harmonization including chords with the root on 6th, 5th and 4th strings based on the B Major scale:

B Major Harmonization (tab, standard notation & charts)


Scale harmonization exercises.

More examples of harmonized scales that can be downloaded in pdf.

Major scales harmonization (tab, standard notation & charts)

Studies (etudes)

Notation and tabs for guitar.

Study in E This study is based on E Major scale and features a harmonization theme.

Study in E (tab & standard notation)