Major Pentatonic and Minor Pentatonic comparison

The Major Pentatonic scale compared to the Minor Pentatonic scale with diagrams and explanation.
Both the Major and Minor Pentatonic scales are five-note scales, but the scale degrees differ (as seen in the comparing tables below). The difference is that the Major Pentatonic doesn't include a fourth or a seventh whereas the Minor counterpart doesn't include a second or a sixth. The characteristic major sound is given by the major third degree. And, vice versa, the characteristic minor sound is given by the minor third and minor seventh degrees.

A Major Pentatonic scale degrees and notes.

1 2 3 5 6
A B C# E F#

A Minor Pentatonic scale degrees and notes.

1 b3 4 5 b7

Notes of the Pentatonic Major and the Pentatonic Minor in all keys.

Scale 1 2 3 / b3 4 5 6 b7
C Pentatonic Major C D E G A
C Pentatonic Minor C Eb F G Bb
C# Pentatonic Major C# D# E# G# A#
C# Pentatonic Minor C# E F# G# B
D Pentatonic Major D E F# A B
D Pentatonic Minor D F G A C
Eb Pentatonic Major Eb F G Bb C
Eb Pentatonic Minor Eb Gb Ab Bb Db
E Pentatonic Major E F# G# B C#
E Pentatonic Minor E G A B D
F Pentatonic Major F G A C D
F Pentatonic Minor F Ab Bb C Eb
F# Pentatonic Major F# G# A# C# D#
F# Pentatonic Minor F# A B C# E
G Pentatonic Major G A B D E
G Pentatonic Minor G Bb C D F
Ab Pentatonic Major Ab Bb C Eb F
Ab Pentatonic Minor Ab Cb Db Eb Gb
A Pentatonic Major A B C# E F#
A Pentatonic Minor A C D E G
Bb Pentatonic Major Bb C D F G
Bb Pentatonic Minor Bb Db Eb F Ab
B Pentatonic Major B C# D# F# G#
B Pentatonic Minor B D E F# A

Notice that C# is the same as Db, D# is the same as Eb and so on.

Scale diagrams

The scale diagrams show A Major Pentatonic and A Minor Pentatonic (shape 1) in two octaves.

A Major Pentatonic

A Pentatonic Major scale diagram

A Minor Pentatonic

A Pentatonic Minor scale diagram

Notice that the scales can be played with identical shapes, but in different positions on the fingerboard:

A Major Pentatonic

A Pentatonic Major scale shape diagram 2nd pos

A Minor Pentatonic

A Pentatonic Minor scale diagram

The only difference besides the fret positions is that the relationship between root notes and the rest of the scale notes changes.

Scale box relationships

Major Pentatonic shape 5 is identical (apart from the root notes) with Minor Pentatonic shape 1.

A Pentatonic (shape 5)

A Pentatonic Major scale shape diagram 2nd pos

F#m Pentatonic (shape 1)

E Mixolydian scale shape 3 diagram

Backing tracks

Far from a rule, but fairly common is to use Pentatonic Major when soloing in the country genre and to use Pentatonic Minor when soloing in the blues genre. These two backing tracks illustrate this, the first is in country style and the second in blues style. Try this by playing over the "A Major" jam track with the Major Pentatonic and over the "A Minor" jam track with the Minor Pentatonic.

Jam Track in A Major (Country)

Tempo (100 BPM)

Jam Track in A Minor (Blues)

Tempo (120 BPM)


The scale diagram shows Major Pentatonic and Minor Pentatonic merged (sometimes referred to as Pentatonic Hybrid Scale).

A Pentatonic Hybrid Scale

Major and Minor Pentatonic merged diagram

The hybrid version can be useful if you want to increase the note options and bring in more variation to the lead playing.