Blues lead guitar - lesson 4
Blues in the key of A: using a single scale – lesson 4: shape 4.
This is the fourth lesson in the Blues soloing series. The diagram below shows the 4th shape of the scale, played in open position. There are five different main shapes for a certain scale.
Blues in A jam track
"Boogie Blues"

Instructions: The shape involves open strings, which can be utilized in several ways. For the boogie blues style, the open strings combined with the remaining notes can generate bouncy effects and especially by using techniques such as hammer-ons.
Note that all except one of the strings can be exploited as open strings. You can probably also recognize the Am chord shape.
Keep also in mind that you can move the whole shape on octave up the fretboard, to the 12th position, that is.
Jam track info
Instruments: Bass, drums and rhythm guitar
Chords: A7
Tempo: 140 BPM