Blues lead guitar - lesson 2
Blues in the key of A: using a single scale – lesson 2: shape 2.
This is the second lesson in the Blues soloing series. This lesson focus on the 2nd shape of the scale, played in 7th position (as seen in the diagram below). There are five different main shapes for a certain scale
Blues in A jam track
"Roadhouse Blues"

Instructions: After you have gotten used to the first shape (see lesson 1), it's logical to expand your knowledge with this second shape of the Blues scale.
The 2nd shape of the Blues scale involves some position shifts that can make it somewhat awkward. It includes, however, the main part of the B.B. King Box (3rd string, 9th fret and the dots on the 1st and 2nd strings).
As mentioned in the previous lesson, consider how you address the 3rd (C), due to the clash with the C# in the A7 chord (the C notes are found at 6th string at the 8th fret, 4th string at the 10th fret and the 1st string at the 8th fret).
Jam track info
Instruments: Bass, drums and rhythm guitar
Chords: A7
Tempo: 117 BPM