Bass scales for BEADG tuning
Scales for bass guitar (BEADG tuning) with diagrams.
Movable scales for 5-string bass in the most common scale categories. The fingerboard diagrams are based on BEADG tuning. See also scales for EADGC tuning.
Whole fretboard

The fingerboard diagram below shows a C Major scale with the first root note on 5th string (the B-string). The scale is movable and can be used for all Major scales.

Natural Minor
The fingerboard diagram below shows a C Natural Minor scale with the first root note on 5th string. The scale is movable and can be used for all Minor scales.

Harmonic Minor
The second category of Minor scales is the Harmonic Minor. C Harmonic Minor with the first root note on 5th string is presented in the picture below.

Melodic Minor
The third category of Minor scales is the Melodic Minor. C Melodic Minor with the first root note on 5th string is presented in the picture below.

Pentatonic Major
The fingerboard diagram below shows a C Pentatonic Major scale with the first root note on 5th string. The scale is movable and can be used for all Pentatonic Major scales.

Pentatonic Minor
The fingerboard diagram below shows a C Pentatonic Minor scale with the first root note on 5th string. The scale is movable and can be used for all Pentatonic Minor scales.

For pdf presentations, see The Bass Scale Collection eBook for graphical overviews of scales in all keys in several categories.